This is an awesome website that lets you read hundreds of kids books for FREE!
I love websites that are free and easy to join. The books are are sorted alphabetically, by age (0 to10), popularity, author, and genre. And because one of the founders is Penguin books, many childhood favorites are available, including Ladybug Girl, Skippyjon Jones and Madeline.
The sie is super easy to use. They have both fiction and non fiction. It’s also a great way for teachers to preview books they may want to use before buying. They also have an Educator Resources section with extension activities, reading guides and more.
The books are not read out loud, but when you put it in Full Screen mode it’s a great way to share a book with your little one, show on a smart board for your whole class, or for reading alone on an iPad.
We Give Books was started by Penguin Group and Pearson Foundation as a way to get books to kids who don’t have them. They partner with a variety of organizations that get books to kids all over the United States and around the world. They also give you the opportunity to help.
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