We’re excited to introduce you to four remarkable affiliate partners whose products have become integral to our own homeschooling journey. These partners offer an array of outstanding resources that have enriched our children’s educational experience, and we can’t wait to share our in-depth recommendations and reviews with you in the future. (We will never affiliate with any businesses or products that we personally do not use.)

When you choose to make a purchase through the links embedded within the slider below (or throughout the website), Curiosity Schoolhouse may receive a small commission. It’s important to note that this commission doesn’t impact your purchase price whatsoever. Instead, it’s a fantastic way to support our blog and the valuable content we’re dedicated to producing. Your support enables us to continue delivering insightful articles, comprehensive reviews, and helpful guides, all aimed at making your homeschooling adventure as rewarding as possible.

We genuinely believe in the quality and value of the products our affiliate partners offer, as they’ve played an essential role in our own homeschooling success. By supporting Curiosity Schoolhouse through your purchases, you’re not only investing in your child’s education but also helping us grow and expand our offerings. Together, we can nurture the curious minds of tomorrow.

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MEL Science

“Embark on an educational journey with our subscription boxes featuring captivating hands-on experiments, enriched by immersive AR & VR lessons, and live online classes.

Tailored to aspiring scientists aged 5–14+, our products are also a perfect match for science educators, schools, homeschooling parents, and everyone who wants to introduce their kids to science.”

Pandia Press

Our comprehensive history and science courses offer clear, easy-to-follow lesson plans that can be used as written or easily adapted and personalized for your family’s particular needs and interests. Each course in our K-12 curriculum was developed to work with multiple ages, either independently at home or for use within a group.

All About Learning Press

Teach Reading & Spelling in Just 20 Minutes Per Day

All About Learning Press offers effective, fun, and affordable reading and spelling programs to help your homeschool student become a proficient reader and speller for life.”

Curiosity Chronicles (use code CSHouse for 5% off)

Our Approach to History

At the Curiosity Chronicles, we believe that factual, engaging history is an important part of any child’s education. History lays the foundation for raising critically aware, globally minded children. History also provides many opportunities to teach other essential skills, like writing and independent research.

With our books, we hope to offer a fresh and fun approach to a traditionally dry subject. We hope your child is able to engage with our characters and see history as something relatable.

Amazon Associate Affiliate Program Disclosure

In addition to the above affiliates, Curiosity Schoolhouse is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

By clicking on and purchasing products through the Amazon links provided throughout this website or via the Amazon logo image below, you are helping support Curiosity Schoolhouse at no extra cost to you. These affiliate commissions enable us to continue providing valuable content and resources to enhance your homeschooling journey. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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