Welcome to
Curiosity Schoolhouse
Our Homeschooling Life in the Carolinas
We are a close-knit, adventurous family of five living in the Carolina foothills, exploring our world, teaching our children, and doing our best to live a kind and curious life.
We hope these small glimpses into our day-to-day educational journey will provide resources, ideas and inspiration to other homeschooling families, classroom teachers, and parents wanting to enrich their children’s learning.

Wordless Books
Why Expose Kids to Wordless Books? Expands their verbal skills and vocabulary. Stimulates imagination. Allows for a variety of shared and independent writing experiences. Helps children understand the visual art of storytelling. Creates understanding of subtext. Gives...
New Toddler Unit: Ocean
A Week of Oceans: This is a great unit to do before a trip to the beach or a cruise. Or before buying fish for a family pet. How to Begin: Exposure The easiest way to begin this unit is with books and short toddler-friendly videos. If you're headed to the beach...
Teaching Informational or Expository Texts in K and 1st Grade
Examples of Expository Text: Informative texts True fact books Text books Biographies Newspapers Magazines Cookbooks Dictionaries, thesauruses and encyclopedias Websites (kids.nationalgeographic.com is a great example to show kids) Tip From My Classroom: I...
Mo Willems on The Today Show
One of my favorite authors to use with Kindergarteners and First Graders is Mo Willems. His interview this morning on the Today Show illustrates exactly why. His books are heartwarming, funny, sweet, goofy--and they're great for teaching kids (and parents!) to read...
13 FREE Posters that Encourage Positive Thinking (and Reading)
Print all 13 posters here: Positive Posters *For more behavior management ideas go here. I made these posters to teach positive thinking and stop all the whining and complaining. Reading the posters, talking about what they meant and practicing the ideals...
Secrets to Get Kids to Listen
And how to give directions they will follow Getting Kids to Listen Be a good listener. Children learn best from modeled behavior.* Always acknowledge and validate what they’re saying and how they’re feeling--even when you disagree with them. Kids are also more likely...